March 25, 2007


So I was going to try to be really cute and write my first blog entry on the information overload that we suffer from today due to the Internet, DVR, Podcasts, blogs and the like. Then I started to do the tiniest bit of research and got lazy. There’s even more irony in the fact that there’s way too much information out there about information overload.

I also wanted to touch upon the subject of my generation and younger being more self-absorbed and self-important than generations previous, which is completely true, and a shame. This is why (I think) there are way too many blogs. So, now I’m adding mine into the mix. eh, EH! Get it! I guess it’s been said a million times before. Fuck it, so much for trying to be clever. As a matter of fact, I promise that will be my last intentional effort at being clever in this blog. Expect lots of horrendous puns and bad humor.

I really don’t know what business I have even trying to write a blog. Those of you who know me (the only people reading this, I’m sure) know I barely write e-mails or use the telephone. I don’t know what I’m going to fill this blog with. Most likely, nonsense, shit I like, things that make me laugh (and maybe will make you laugh).

Anyhow, enjoy. Or at least keep a frozen smile on your face and pretend to for my benefit. I can see you.

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